Learn the tragic tale of Sarah Morey, an innocent young woman who perished only a year after moving into her luxurious new home, the Morey Mansion. While Sarah’s spirit has not been witnessed on the property in decades, it is believed that this could be because her spirit was intentionally trapped by a group known as the Imperial Paranormal Society. Believing all paranormal entities to be a threat to humanity, this group is said to have used a combination of technology and psychic energy to bind Sarah’s spirit to a mirror for all eternity.
While the Imperial Paranormal Society is now defunct, much of their information still exists in a secure database and clues to access this information have been hidden throughout the nearby “Orange Alley”. Using a notebook filled of secret clues, you must explore the alley, unlock its secrets, and release Sarah so that she may finally rest in peace.
This game involves the most outdoor activity. The art and atmosphere in the alley make this a good choice for the daytime play, however the evening lighting makes it our best choice for nighttime play.